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The Boldness of Faith


Extracts from sermon xix of a series of xxvii sermons by Samuel Rutherford on the Syro-phenician woman who came to Christ for the healing of her daughter (Matthew 15, Mark 7)

Samuel Rutherford (c. 1600-1661) was the faithful pastor of Anwoth who suffered greatly during the “Killing Time” in Scotland, being persecuted and imprisoned for his adherence to the doctrine of his dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A Presbyterian who refused to countenance Prelacy (Episcopalianism), his preaching exalted Christ alone as Lord and King. Mr Rutherford was Professor of Divinity at St Andrews and one of the Scottish Commissioners to the Westminster Assembly.


Hear then the boldness of faith: “Now, then, there is no condemnation to those that are in Jesus Christ.” What challenges Satan or conscience can make against the believer (for justice being put to silence by Christ, maketh none) hear an answer: ‘I was condemned, I was judged, I was crucified for sin, when my surety, Christ was condemned, judged, and crucified for my sins; and what would you have more of a man than his life? It was a man’s life and soul, my life, that my surety offered up to God for sin, and I have paid all, because my surety hath paid all.’ And the truth is, it is not two debts, one that the believer owes to God’s justice, and another that Christ paid; but the debt that Christ paid is our very debt, and sins, which he did bear on his own body on the tree, (1 Pet., ii, 24)



“The Trial and Triumph of Faith,” published by The Banner of Truth Trust, 2001. pp 242-243.