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        Thomas Dove


Thomas Dove (c. 1802-1882) was a minister of the Gospel in Tasmania, Australia. On graduating from Glasgow University he migrated to Tasmania in 1836, where he laboured variously in Hobart, the Aboriginal settlement on Flinders Island (at the Governor's request), the penal colony on Maria Island and for a long period among scattered rural populations as a "bush minister". When working among the Tasmanian Aborigines he toiled arduously to reduce their language to writing but the people had been transplanted from their native homes, and "notwithstanding every care, they melted away like snow before the sun". His work among the convicts was "full of hope" and issued in good results, and throughout his ministry he was marked for his earnest missionary spirit in bringing the Gospel of the grace of God to sinners. Gentle as a lamb and yet a man of strong convictions, he held tenaciously to the "faith once delivered to the saints" (expressed in the standards of the Presbyterian Church of Tasmania – the Westminster Standards); and he resisted with vigour the encroaching liberalism of the times. 



Thomas Dove's Letter to the Tasmanian Presbyterian Magazine