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        Thomas Boston 


Thomas Boston (1676-1732) was a pastor of God's flock in Ettrick, Scotland, whose preaching God abundantly blessed in the saving of many souls. The son of a Presbyterian who knew the Lord and was imprisoned for non-conformity, Boston was raised in times of murderous persecution. Nevertheless, he lived to see God’s people flourish and multiply, as “the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” (Acts 2:47). He is perhaps best known for his part in the reprinting of “The Marrow of Modern Divinity”, a book which distinguishes the Covenant of Works from the Covenant of Grace.




Believers neither libertines nor legalists

Christ the Kinsman-redeemer in the Covenant

The Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace delivered on Mount Sinai  

God alone created the World

Inferences from the conditionary part of the Covenant

For whom Christ offered Himself a Sacrifice

Of the Fifth Commandment (duties of husbands and wives)

Of the Seventh Commandment (preserving chastity)

Promise of Perseverance in Grace

Promise of Temporal [Material] Benefits

Sinners instated in the covenant by faith or believing  


Sinners of Mankind the Object of the Administration of the Covenant